The Psychic Brain How It Works…
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onPsychics have hidden faculties that give them an edge on intuition, the inner voice that serves as a sixth sense, and clairvoyance, the ability to predict what is forthcoming. In order for us to understand how to manage these abilities, that we sometimes refer to as gifts, we need to be aware of how our brain works.
Are you a left or a right sided thinker or are you one of the super-conscious people that can manage both sides with equal balance. Attached is an amazing link on the “Hidden Talents of Our Brain”, that will set you aside from the rest by teaching you how your brain ticks.
Knowing how the brain works will enable you to tap into the brain waves that helps you activate the Pineal Gland which connects to your third eye’s intuition and your Limbic System of your brain that controls anger, fears and rage and releases serotonin levels that increases happiness and satisfaction.
Knowing how the brain works helps you manage your intuitive visions, instead of panicing with incoming information that can give you insight on future events, as you are still in time to compel a better outcome just by being aware of the pitfalls and never missing the blessings.
The brain is connected to your body in every aspect of its functionality; however, the “Ori”, your spirit, soul or aura, the etheric energy that was poured into your body as you took your first breath, sparked your life with a purpose. Keeping the “Ori”, an African Yoruba word for soul, grounded with your body is important and connects the powers of your mind, body and soul intrinsically, so you may continue to access the etheric energy of our Creator after birth and live out your real life’s journey…

Grace Esoterics