Why We Celebrate Mother’s Day!
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Have A Blessed Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day as a celebrated occasion was introduced by Anna Jarvis an
American daughter, whose mother had passed, and in memory of her
mother’s love she set out to make it a national holiday to honor all
Mothers’ devotion to their families.
After a few years of campaigning to have this day proclaimed a holiday by government officials in her home State of Virginia, on May 8, 1910 this special day was commemorated, soon enough it spread nationwide and U.S. President Wilson on May 9, 1914 indoctrinated it a National Holiday; as a result this special day was adopted by many countries worldwide.
In the U.S. It became a tradition to wear a white flower in memory of mothers who had passed away and to give a red flower to pay tribute to mothers still living, and until this day it is the holiday most honored by gifting of flowers.
Mother’s Day continues to be the day to remember a mother’s love especially to be thankful to all the caregivers who dedicate their time to nurture, pray, mentor and conjure an occasional protection spell to raise the small amazing souls our Children of Planet Earth…
Holy Cleansing Rain Water
The First Rainfall after Easter Sunday is considered by many of faith to be the holiest water of all, because it comes with the rebirth of Christ and all things bound. Catch some of this divine rain water in a bucket and store it in a container in your refrigerator to add a few drops [...]
What is Easter Sunday …
Easter Sunday commemorates the resurrection of Christ, as his death atoned us with our faith in God. Easter varies between 21March and 25April, because it’s always observed on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox and after the Jewish Passover begins. Its name is derived from Eostre, the pagan Anglo-Saxon goddess of [...]
What is Transcendence
The road to the Spirit meets many faces…Everyone’s transcendence is unique with its own values, morals and traditions. That is the real beauty of all the ways that the Spirit created us to show our faith. It’s not how you choose to worship, but how you see it in the positive light that [...]
Ages of Souls
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The Spiritual Craft
The craft is a manifestation of faith in our love for humanity and nature, and it’s intended to be used to protect that right.
Twin Soulmates
My twin soul my daughter Liana.When Liana was a little girl, I use to tell her how when she was born the nurse came in my room and said that she had made a mistake that she gave me the wrong baby, so she offered to replace her with a redhead and then offered me [...]
3rdiesoterics Spell Oil Products
3rdiesoterics Spell Oil ProductsOur Powerful Spiritual Spell Oils are individually designed with the hidden science of alchemy to release their infinite possibilities. Use 3rdiesoterics Spell Oils to call upon your spiritual guides. Add a few drops of our conjured condition oils to your bath water or anoint yourself with it daily to balance your Aura.
Seven Chakras Cleansing Bath
Need to Spiritually Cleanse and realign your Chakras, try our "Chakras Bath" charged with Zen stones for wellness", that includes Moriah Dead Sea Salt and the most powerful of the Seven Chakras Stones to balance your mind, body and aura. Comes with instructions and reusable crystal stones. This and more "3rdiesoterics Products" are exclusive at House of Grace [...]
Esoteric Perfume For Compelling Attraction
3rdiesoterics Jasmine Perfume Apply a few drops of this mystical Jasmine Esoteric Perfume to your body or put a few drop in your bath water; as the fragrance activates the olfactory (sense of smell) and limbic part of the brain (what releases the euphoria) of people surrounding you, visualize your wishes and those around you will [...]